How Do You Set Up a Fixed Index Annuity? (And What Do You Get Back?)

Use this guide to set up a fixed index annuity and solidify your retirement income and financial security.

Understanding More About Fixed Index Annuities with Income Riders

There is one key reason why people say they decide not to purchase a fixed index annuity with an income rider as part of their overall retirement income plan – and it’s not because of surrender charges, fees, or lower returns. In fact, it’s often because the benefits of a fixed index annuity with an income rider may simply sound too good to be true. Of course, the contractual benefits are NOT, and you can read more about that here if you need a refresher.

So, let’s assume you’re ready to move forward with your fixed index annuity with an income rider – where do you start and how, exactly, does it work? We’re here to walk you through it.

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Is a Second Opinion the Next Step to Enhance Your Financial Security?

Gain greater financial security by securing a second opinion on your retirement plan from a professional financial advisor.

When You’re Retired, You Need to Be Sure Your Finances Are on Track

With the articles we publish here on our blog, many of which are based on content in our book Momma’s Secret Recipe for Retirement Success, we hope to take you down the path of “financial enlightenment.” We do it because some of the facts and strategies we share may be the complete opposite of what you have been told before. We want you to think differently – and to plan your retirement differently – because you have no other option than to succeed.

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The Retirement Income Myth You Should Stop Believing

Sequence of return risk could spell retirement income insecurity, but a fixed indexed annuity with an income rider is one possible solution.

Understanding Income Riders and Sequence of Return Risk

This content is an excerpt from the book, Momma’s Secret Recipe for Retirement Success,” by Dan Ahmad, Jim Files, and Jack Canfield, with contributions from other leading professionals from around the world. This excerpt below was written by Dave Lopez, a recognized retirement planning speaker and writer.


You shouldn’t buy an annuity because the stock market is the best place for you to invest for dependable retirement income that will last for as long as you live.

You are retired and want a high level of dependable income from your savings that is guaranteed to last for as long as you live. You research on your own. You talk to your Advisor. You even ask friends and family what to do, because you desperately want to know the truth about how to protect your principal and guarantee you won’t run out of income late in life.

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Section Four of Your Comprehensive Written Retirement Income Plan

The fourth part of your comprehensive written retirement income plan is to get your plan details in writing.

It’s Time to Get Your Plan Details in Writing

In recent weeks, we have shared the first three steps in creating a written comprehensive retirement income plan. If you haven’t yet read about those steps, we recommend you head over to our blog to get caught up.

In this fourth and final installment, we are sharing the fourth step in this planning process, which is getting your plan details recorded in writing.

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Section Three of Your Comprehensive Written Retirement Income Plan: Analysis of Assets

When you plan ahead, you can use your assets to produce both income and a legacy for your loved ones.

It’s Time for an Analysis of Assets to Beneficiaries 

In past articles, we shared everything you need to know about the very first step in creating a comprehensive written retirement income plan: the Retirement Income Projection. Next, we discussed the second step in your planning, the Income Tax Analysis. If you didn’t get a chance to read those articles yet, you can start here.

In this final installment of this series, we give you details about the third step in your comprehensive written retirement income planning: an analysis of assets to beneficiaries. Having a comprehensive written retirement income plan you can rely on is incredibly important to your financial health in retirement, so let’s take a look at this final step.

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Section Two of Your Comprehensive Written Retirement Income Plan: Income Tax Analysis

The second part of your comprehensive written retirement income plan is an income tax analysis.

How to Eliminated Your Fears of Paying More Than You Expect to In Taxes

In three previous articles, we discussed all the details of the very first step in creating a comprehensive written retirement income plan: the Retirement Income Projection. If you didn’t get a chance to read it yet, you can start here. Now, we move on to the second step in your planning, which is the all-important Income Tax Analysis.

Why are we continuing to discuss this topic? Because having a comprehensive written retirement income plan is just that important!

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Should I Hide My Money Under the Mattress or Trust an Insurance Company?

A life insurance company offering a fixed index annuity with an income rider offers additional security.

Why No Other institution can match the Safety of the life insurance industry

The following is an excerpt from the book, Momma’s Secret Recipe for Retirement Success, by Dan Ahmad, Jim Files, and Jack Canfield, with contributions from other leading professionals from around the world. This excerpt was written by Laura Barron, president and co-founder of Barron Financial Group, LLC.

Hypothetical Case Study: Twenty years ago, Sarah and Mark were 55 years old as they reviewed their plans for retirement. They both had done an excellent job accumulating assets of well over a million dollars. Mark felt confident they could trust the expert advice of their broker at a large firm to continue making money for them in mostly stock market investments during retirement. Sarah and Mark were very confident the income from their stock market investments, Social Security, and a small pension would allow them to self-insure for long-term care, stay fully invested in the market, and live a very comfortable retirement in a nice neighborhood. They were totally confident they would never run out of money.

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Your Retirement Income Projection Part 3: Fee Analysis

Fee analysis is an important part of your retirement income projection and here’s what you need to know.

Do You Know How Much You’re Shelling Out in Fees?

This article is part three of a three-part series in which we dig deeper into the first aspect of preparing your comprehensive written retirement income plan: the retirement income projection. This series is based on content that originally appeared in our book, Momma’s Secret Recipe for Retirement Success, and you can grab your copy here.

If you need to start at the beginning of this three-part series, click here now.

In our second installment, we shared details on the second step in developing your comprehensive written retirement income plan, which is a risk analysis. As a reminder, this series is all about completing the three aspects that makeup step one in our four-part process of completing your Retirement Income Projection:

  1. Income analysis
  2. Risk analysis
  3. Fee analysis

In this article, we’ll walk you through the fee analysis step.

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Your Retirement Income Projection Part 2: Risk Analysis

: Risk analysis is the important second step in developing your comprehensive written retirement income plan.

The Second Step in Your Comprehensive Written Retirement Income Plan

The following article is part two (risk analysis) of our three-part series on the critical steps involved in preparing your comprehensive written retirement income plan: the retirement income projection. This series is based on content that originally appeared in our book, Momma’s Secret Recipe for Retirement Success, and you can grab your copy here.

In our last installment, we shared details on the very first step in developing your comprehensive written retirement income plan, which is a retirement income analysis. As a reminder, this series is all about completing the three aspects that makeup step one in our four-part process of completing your Retirement Income Projection:

  1. Income analysis
  2. Risk analysis
  3. Fee analysis

In this article, we’ll walk you through the risk analysis step.


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Your Retirement Income Projection Part 1: Income Analysis

Start your comprehensive written retirement income plan with the critical first step of income analysis.

Getting Started on Your Comprehensive Written Retirement Income Plan

The following article is part one of a three-part series where we’ll dig deeper into the first aspect of preparing your comprehensive written retirement income plan: the retirement income projection. This series is based on content that originally appeared in our book, Momma’s Secret Recipe for Retirement Success, and you can grab your copy here.

We’ve shared before how important it is to have a comprehensive written retirement income plan, and today we’re delving into the details of getting started. Step one in the four-part process is to do a Retirement Income Projection, which consists of three aspects:

  1. Income analysis
  2. Risk analysis
  3. Fee analysis

In this article, we’ll walk you through the income analysis step.

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Peak Financial Freedom Group
2520 Douglas Boulevard, Suite 110
Roseville, CA 95661


All of the information presented here is provided and intended to be used for general educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a solicitation for you to buy or sell any security or financial product. The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. None of the information presented is intended to give you specific tax, investment, real estate, legal, estate, or financial advice but rather to serve as an educational platform to deliver information. The ideas, thoughts, and strategies presented here are those of the Management Team and provide an insight to our views on Peak Financial Freedom Group, LLC. Some of this material was developed and produced by Peak Financial to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. Every detail in this website is subject to change without notice. Seminar, radio shows, TV productions, book releases, magazine and book promotions are sponsored, promoted and paid for by Peak Financial Freedom Group, LLC.

2nd Opinion Package available to Qualified Retirees and Soon-To-Be-Retirees may include free consultations, a free retirement income plan, risk analysis, and fee analysis. In addition, a comprehensive written retirement income plan may be provided to those who complete the entire process. Qualified Retirees and Soon-To-Be-Retirees must have a minimum of $500,000 of investible assets such as IRA’s, 401K’s from past employers, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, bank accounts, money markets, CD’s, etc., but DOES NOT include real estate, businesses, limited partnerships, 401K/retirement plans that can’t be moved to another plan, and other illiquid type assets.

Past performance is no indication of future performance and such information cannot be relied upon regarding future potential gains. Investing involves risk. There is always the potential of losing money when you invest in securities. Asset allocation, diversification and rebalancing do not ensure a profit or protect against loss in declining market. Advisors and agents may only conduct business with residents of the states or jurisdictions in which they are properly registered or licensed and not all of the securities, products and services mentioned are available in every state or jurisdiction.

Nothing is directly or indirectly guaranteed by this information. The planning and ideas presented herein are not suitable for all individuals or situations. Hypothetical examples are used to explain concepts and are not indicative of potential results you could receive; past performance is not a guarantee of future results; and results are not indicative of any particular investment or income tax situation; your results will be different and could be lower or higher. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. Peak Financial does not offer tax or legal advice. Consult your financial professional before making any investment decision.

Insurance product features and benefits, such as guaranteed lifetime income riders, are subject to contract terms, limitations, fees, and the claims paying ability of the insurance company issuing the contract. The sale or liquidation of any stock, bond, IRA, certificate of deposit, mutual fund, annuity, or other asset to fund the purchase of any other asset including an annuity may have tax consequences, early withdrawal penalties, or other costs and penalties as a result of the sale or liquidation. Different assets can be complex and carry fees, costs, and surrender charges. If you place assets under management with Fiduciary Solutions LLC, we are paid an advisory fee from Fiduciary Solutions LLC and if you purchase an annuity through us, we are paid commissions from an insurance company.

2019(1), 2020(2), 2021(3), 2022(4), 2023 (5) and 2024 (6) Five Star Professional Wealth Manager Award - Dan Ahmad and Jim Files have been nominated for and have won the 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 Five Star Wealth Manager Awards. Wealth managers do not pay a fee to be considered or placed on the final list of Five Star Wealth Managers. Once awarded, wealth managers may purchase additional profile ad space or promotional products. Award does not evaluate quality of services provided to clients. The Five Star award is not indicative of the wealth manager’s future performance. The inclusion of a wealth manager on the Five Star Wealth Manager list should not be construed as an endorsement of the wealth manager by Five Star Professional or this publication. Working with a Five Star Wealth Manager or any wealth manager is no guarantee as to future investment success, nor is there any guarantee that the selected wealth managers will be awarded this accomplishment by Five Star Professional in the future. Award winners represent an exclusive group of wealth managers who have demonstrated excellence in their field by satisfying 10 objective selection criteria. For additional information on the Five Star award, including a complete list of the 10 objective selection criteria and their research/selection methodology, go to

Investment advisory services are offered through Fiduciary Solutions, LLC, a California Registered Investment Advisor. Insurance products and services are offered through PFFG Insurance Agency LLC, a licensed insurance agency (CA Insurance License #0N14013). Peak Financial Freedom Group LLC is a financial planning and umbrella marketing organization, which enables the provision of multiple financial services under one brand. Peak Financial Freedom Group LLC, PFFG Insurance Agency LLC, and Fiduciary Solutions LLC are affiliated entities with common ownership and control. Jim Files is licensed as an investment adviser representative with Fiduciary Solutions LLC (CRD # 1620449) and is a licensed insurance producer with PFFG Insurance Agency LLC (CA Insurance License #0F06511). Dan Ahmad is licensed as an investment adviser representative with Fiduciary Solutions LLC (CRD # 1491561) and is a licensed insurance producer with PFFG Insurance Agency LLC (CA Insurance License #0732913).

© 2023 Peak Financial Freedom Group