Are Your Assets Positioned For Success Or Failure During Retirement?

Stage 1 of Retirement Planning is known as Asset Accumulation. You’re young, still working and investing monthly, had time to make up losses, and focused on maximizing growth, because you don’t need income from your assets.

Now retired, or within 5 to 10 years of retirement, you’re in Stage 2 of Retirement Planning, called Asset Preservation and Income Distribution. You can’t afford to lose what you worked so hard for and you need to make sure that your income lasts throughout your retirement. Your goal is to minimize volatility and guard against large losses, so your income won’t run out.

Are you worried about how you’ll create monthly retirement paychecks that will last for as long as you live, worried you will run out of money? If you don’t have a comprehensive, written retirement income plan, or everything about your money in writing, you’re basing your entire future on hope and luck.

If you want to create a written plan designed to provide dependable income that will last for as long as you live, contact us today.

Peak Financial Freedom Group


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