Month: August 2022

Addressing Annuity Myths: Part 2

Eight More Lies People Will Tell You About Fixed Index Annuities with Income Riders

The following educational content is excerpted from our book, Momma’s Secret Recipe for Retirement Success,” by Dan Ahmad, Jim Files, and Jack Canfield, with valuable contributions from other leading professionals from around the world. This excerpt was contributed by John Kirker, fiduciary financial advisor, and reviews eight more annuity myths – specifically, annuity lies people believe about fixed index annuities with income riders.

This is Part Two of our two-part Annuity Myths series. If you missed Part One, read it here.

Today we’re back with more facts about annuities. Specifically, we’re sharing content to bust common annuity myths that can damage your long-term finances if you believe them. Remember, it’s always important to educate yourself, do your own research, and speak with a financial professional you trust when you’re trying to determine whether a specific financial product is right for you. Many people find more peace of mind and financial security with a fixed index annuity with an income rider, so learn more about their benefits below.

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Addressing Annuity Myths: Part 1

Ten Lies People Will Tell You About Fixed Index Annuities with Income Riders

The following content is excerpted from the book, Momma’s Secret Recipe for Retirement Success,” by Dan Ahmad, Jim Files, and Jack Canfield, with valuable contributions from other leading professionals from around the world. This excerpt was written by John Kirker, fiduciary financial advisor, and reviews ten annuity myths – specifically, annuity lies people believe about fixed index annuities with income riders.

This is Part One of our two-part Annuity Myths series.

If your goals are to:

  1. Protect your money against 100% of all stock market losses.
  2. Guarantee you won’t run out of income for as long as you live.
  3. Receive the same or higher income for as long as you live regardless of stock market volatility or how long you live.
  4. Pay a relatively low total annual fee of approximately 1%.
  5. Have the opportunity to earn a competitive rate of return.
  6. Defer 100% of the taxation on any growth until you take distributions.
  7. Never subject current or previous gains to future stock market losses.
  8. Pass 100% of all remaining funds at your death to your beneficiaries.

One of the only, if not the only, financial instruments you can use to do all of these things is a fixed index annuity with an income rider.

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